Saturday, January 1, 2011

Photos of the sky

I have a habit of grabbing the camera, a cup of coffee and full winter garb in an instants notice at absurdly early hours of the morning to snap shots of the sunrise. I have found that there is a very small window of opportunity to get the "golden" shot. This applies to sunsets as well.

I'm not a guru photographer, so I can't say much about the camera settings. I do play with various ISO ranges while experimenting with shutter speed vs. aperture. I like to find the balance where the image appears slightly dark and then lightly treat it in Lightroom. I try not to augment the image into an artificially saturated state, however I do prefer rich hues and contrasts.

The overall craft however is to work within the camera as much as possibly to produce an image that does not need post work. This applies in motion pictures as well. When taking an image of a stunning sunrise or sunset, it can be like shooting fish in a bucket though. The major difference of course is that the sky is much more majestic and goes dissolves away quickly without leaving a fishy smell (unless you are watching the sunset on a fishing boat).
Next time the sky grabs your attention, be sure to take a moment out of your busy day to breath it in!

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